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This We Believe...

Students will… 
· Have positive, trusting relationships with adults in the school. 
· Be active participants in their learning. 
· Be challenged to reach their full potential through engaging in meaningful, higher order learning experiences. 
· Be good stewards of their opportunities, experiences and resources. 
· Learn lifeskills that will enable them to be successful in school and life. 

Teachers will… 
· Connect with individual students. 
· Provide a developmentally appropriate education through enrichment, remediation, and mentoring. 
· Use a variety of research-based instructional strategies, activities, and assessments. 
· Offer a rigorous, relevant, integrated, and exploratory curriculum. 
· Model lifelong learning and hold high expectations for all students. 
· Nurture each student's physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs in a safe and caring environment. 

Stakeholders (School Staff, Students, Parents, and Community) will… 
· Respect and celebrate cultural diversity and individuality. 
· Work together for student success through collaboration, problem solving, open communication and partnerships.
As Principal of Montgomery Ridge Intermediate School, I invite you to be a part of our journey with our intermediate school students.  Your support and involvement will guarantee our success this year and in the future. We are excited about all this year has to offer and look forward to allowing each of our students to thrive and be successful at Montgomery Ridge Intermediate. 

Welcome to "The Ridge!" 

David Claxton

David Claxton

David Claxton

Titles: Principal
Logan Goodin

Logan Goodin

Dr. Julie Keyl

Dr. Julie Keyl

Titles: Asst. Principal