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The MRIS Parent Teacher Cooperative, or PTC, works with the administration and teachers to support programming for our students, provide an avenue for parental involvement, and to sponsor special events for students and staff. Events include the annual Eagle X Games fundraiser, movie night, spring fling dance and an art show, and teacher luncheons to name a few. Through our fundraiser, we support many endeavors to enrich and extend our children's educational opportunities during their tenure on The Ridge.  There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Ridge from bringing in cookies to chaperoning -  any level of help is appreciated. Volunteering is a great way to stay connected to your child at school and it is fun and rewarding.  Our PTC is a critical part of a community that is willing to put tremendous effort to support our children.

As a parent of a student at MRIS, you are automatically a member of the MRIS PTC.  The Montgomery Ridge Intermediate School PTC meets at 12:00 noon on the second Tuesday of each month in the Administrative conference room. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend. 


PTC Leadership Team 2024-2025