Text A Tip
Text-A-Tip Program (6th and 7th Grade)
From the Blount County Community Health Initiative
Use Text-A-Tip to anonymously report bullying, drug possession, crime and other school or community safety concerns.
You know you should call 911 in an emergency, but what can you do if you see, hear or know about something that is illegal, or is hurting you or could harm others?
If you are a middle or high school student in Blount County, it is easy to speak up and get help while staying anonymous. It is Text-A-Tip, and it is the right thing to do. Taking a few seconds to fire off a text could prevent a suicide or fight; get illegal drugs or weapons off your school campus, or a stop a bully who has been harassing you or other students.
The staff at MRIS welcomes and encourages students to come to any adult at MRIS with any concerns at any time. The text-a-tip tool does not replace those important relationships and face-to-face communication and conversations. However, this tool is an important anonymous option for students when they have information that could help keep themselves, other students, and the community safe (particularly after-school hours, weekends, and breaks). Students text the tip to 274637 (CRIMES) and begin the message with MRIS. If students want to end the text communication, they simply type the word STOP.
For more information, visit the Blount County Community Health Initiative webpage.